Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Coffee is good!

So upon researching (or randomly going from site to site looking for great ideas for various topics), I stumbled upon this little article on the website www.shape.com

Essentially, the article touted the benefits of coffee. This was just what I was wanting to see! The following is a snippet from the article: 11 Coffee Stats You Never Knew written by Esther Crain. 

1. Two cups a day can extend your life. Researchers aren’t sure why, but people who drank this amount or more daily lived longer and were less likely to die of chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease as were coffee abstainers, according to a study from the New England Journal of Medicine.
2. It gives your memory a kick. The caffeine in a cup or two of java doesn't just perk you up in the moment—it enhances your memory up to 24 hours after you drink it. This provides an assist when it comes to forming new memories, reports a Nature study.
3. It reduces pain. A Norwegian study found that office workers who took a coffee break felt less neck and shoulder pain during the workday. (That's your excuse to get up and move!)
4. It keeps your brain sharp over time. Make a mental note of this: 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day can help prevent the cognitive decline associated with aging, leading to a 65 percent decrease in developing Alzheimer’s or dementia, according to a recent study.

I found the other 7 facts pretty interesting too. These four, however, gave me enough reason to go brew!

~Off to drink more coffee~

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