Thursday, September 18, 2014

First Posting

As I am sitting here waiting for the business to take off, I have decided to start a blog. To be honest, I have tried blogging in the past, but I was not successful in that I wasn't sure that anyone would even be interested in my ramblings about school.

Little background here for the world. I was a teacher for 12 years, and decided to quit to start my own business. My little coffee shop opened almost 2 months ago. It has been an adventure. I sort of wish I had started the blog back then to record the crazy that happened while trying to get the shop off the ground. That was indeed interesting! But alas I did not...

Now I am sitting at the point where I have enough customers to see potential, but not enough yet to thrive. I am still very optimistic though, and I am just looking for ways to market myself in my area.

I have learned though that this business allows me to people watch and learn a lot about how adults behave. It has been interesting to see how much I observed in kids while teaching, that I still see in adults.

Someone asked me what purpose do you have in blogging? I didn't really have an answer, but did a great job of completely making something up that sounded good. Went along the lines of .. oh so I can share and record my thoughts out to the world. Response: like an open diary? That took me aback. It's true that blogging is a bit like a diary to the world, but not sure anyone wants to see into that dark and weird world. So I have decided that my purpose for blogging is more simplistic than all that. I simply want to put down the interesting things I see, think, and sometimes do. If you find it interesting too, then great! If not, then I suppose you won't read my blog. My hope is not to be cynical, mean, or too political. I want to try to keep it light, fun, and interesting (at least to me.)

Wow this post is longer than I thought it would be for my first post!

~Off to drink more coffee~

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