Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reflections on Surprise and Delight day 2

Using this blog to reflect on my surprise and delight experience (as stated earlier):

I have decided there were several ways to work this idea this week. I started yesterday (Monday) with implementing several things. I am only on day 2, but I have already noted some features.

I started telling people how much of a discount I gave them, and why they earned it. I have been giving 3% for cash and 5% if you were shopping in the quilt and knit shop too. Although that only averages to a few cents off a drink, people seem to be happy about the savings. I have also noticed that my tips have went up a bit this week so far, which I am not sure if that is reflective of the discount or just happy customers in general. Applying the tips back to the business, I have even saved customers scrounging for change by using my tip jar. 

The second thing I started was a drawing for a free menu item. I have collected names, addresses, and birthdates of customers. Indicating they do not have to be present to win, and I will mail them a certificate. I have only been doing customers that buy something, and I have been doing one entry per day (so repeated purchases gives you an extra chance to win.) This has served to get some smiles and "hope I win." I am planning to mail a thank you note to each of the customers next week.

The third thing I did was start a grateful paper quilt. I haven't had a lot of people hit on this yet, and I did receive one "negative" comment about it will look bad when finished, but I will not let that stop me. I feel once I put the quilt on display, it will be something that will surprise and delight people with happy thoughts.

I have no idea if this will all work or not. Unfortunately things like this take time to build. My simple prayer is that I have the time to get this going, that the negative energies will be quelled by the positive atmosphere I am hoping to install, and that I can make someone's day happier. Wow, after reading that, I realize that the prayer isn't so simple, but I think faith will lead the way.

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