Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Reflections on Surprise and Delight day 2

Using this blog to reflect on my surprise and delight experience (as stated earlier):

I have decided there were several ways to work this idea this week. I started yesterday (Monday) with implementing several things. I am only on day 2, but I have already noted some features.

I started telling people how much of a discount I gave them, and why they earned it. I have been giving 3% for cash and 5% if you were shopping in the quilt and knit shop too. Although that only averages to a few cents off a drink, people seem to be happy about the savings. I have also noticed that my tips have went up a bit this week so far, which I am not sure if that is reflective of the discount or just happy customers in general. Applying the tips back to the business, I have even saved customers scrounging for change by using my tip jar. 

The second thing I started was a drawing for a free menu item. I have collected names, addresses, and birthdates of customers. Indicating they do not have to be present to win, and I will mail them a certificate. I have only been doing customers that buy something, and I have been doing one entry per day (so repeated purchases gives you an extra chance to win.) This has served to get some smiles and "hope I win." I am planning to mail a thank you note to each of the customers next week.

The third thing I did was start a grateful paper quilt. I haven't had a lot of people hit on this yet, and I did receive one "negative" comment about it will look bad when finished, but I will not let that stop me. I feel once I put the quilt on display, it will be something that will surprise and delight people with happy thoughts.

I have no idea if this will all work or not. Unfortunately things like this take time to build. My simple prayer is that I have the time to get this going, that the negative energies will be quelled by the positive atmosphere I am hoping to install, and that I can make someone's day happier. Wow, after reading that, I realize that the prayer isn't so simple, but I think faith will lead the way.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Surprise and Delight

To be honest the last two weeks have been pretty bad in my little shop! Not bad as in the earth is crashing down in on my roof bad, but bad as in - oh my - kinda way.

So I decided to starting looking into how I can market myself differently. I watched a youtube video by RMC consultants. I learned that my business was -gasp- boring!

See I thought the secret to getting business is to have good customer service and a good product. I still think these are true; however the video made me realize that the third thing is to "surprise and delight."

Now I am trying to figure out how to surprise and delight my customers. I also decided that I will be transparent about my scientific research.

Here's the plan:
1) Blog about what happens.Honestly. I say this because I have to be real about what is going on currently in order to see what has changed after I implement "Surprise and Delight."

2) Facebook it. I have lots of friends that can maybe be an open platform to figure out what to do to surprise and delight customers.

3) Research it. I want to try to find businesses that are surprising and delighting customers already. Preferably in my industry.

4) Implement it. Besides the fact that I like to use it a lot... I have decide when I will implement it. I guess though I have to actually figure out what it is...

5) Evaluate - yes here it is - it. Hopefully "it" will work too!

Alright... so there you go....Time to get to work!

~off to drink more coffee~

Friday, October 3, 2014

Funny thing happened

Sitting here finishing my breakfast, I am amazed at the gambit of emotions that have came through myself and others at the coffee bar over the last two days.

As for myself, I have been frustrated over the death of a less than year old refrigerator. I have been sad over the sales slump I have experienced this week. I have been feeling guilt over being pulled in more than one direction. I have been optimistic with the help of friends that have run errands and offered help related to various things. I have been melancholy over the loss of the "old me," and realizing that people in that era are not. As for others, I have seen and heard petty issues, adults behaving like children, and sincerity of hearts. And evidently, I have been redundant -- since I have started every sentence with "I have."

So what is my great take-away that I can gather from these emotional states you ask?

It is a full moon????

~off to drink more coffee~