Saturday, November 8, 2014

Been a while...

So it has been awhile since my last post. Mainly because I have been working on BIG things, while taking care of all the little things too!

Update on Surprise and Delight:

  • I have been doing the free menu give away for about two weeks. People seem happy that I am giving something away when they fill out the card. Some have asked if they won last week too.
  • People seem pleased when I tell them how much of a discount they saved and why they saved it. This has worked even when the discount as only 4 cents! "Every little penny counts!" is usually the response.
  • Through challenging things that have happened though resulting in my hours having to be changed, I have had to curb my morning initiative that was going to start this week. I will bank the idea though and try to implement it some other time.
  • I failed at the mailing idea. Mostly because of the challenging things that have happened; however excuses are just another way to justify why a failure occurred. I will need to readjust this and hopefully not be dropping the ball in the future.
Currently reading an article titled Your Competition  is Lazy written by Angela Pointon. This is what made me think about the blog after reading the first marketing advantage. I realized I was being lazy with the promotionals and the blog.  Despite any setbacks that I have incurred over the last 2-3 weeks, I have to stop using the excuse and start making the changes I need to have happen.

My mantra during this challenging time is:
"When you've about to step into a new level of your destiny, don't be surprised if you hit a setback. That's a sure sign you're about to give birth to what God has placed in your heart."

~off to drink more coffee~